Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Crunch Time

Tomorrow I will begin my petition drive to get on the June ballot for the Democratic nomination for Governor.  In order for our campaign to succeed, we must obtain 10,000 valid signatures of qualified voters in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  Under state law, we are required to get a minimum of 400 signatures from each Congressional District in the Commonwealth.

I feel passionately about the issues that I am running on, particularly with regard to the environment, creating jobs, a green economy for our Commonwealth, and the issue of reasonable gun control, both within the Commonwealth and across the nation.  I know that there are many Virginians who feel the same passion I feel about these issues.  I am the only real progressive Democrat seeking the nomination for Governor who will take on the establishment and push an activist agenda once I am elected.

I have not hidden the fact that I have a disability and am confined to a wheelchair.  My disability has never prevented me from succeeding at anything I wanted to do in life, including being a civil rights attorney for the past 19 years.  It is this experience of dealing with people's problems every day that I believe qualifies me to be your next Governor.  It is also the experience that I had growing up, overcoming my disability, and being a role model to others, that qualifies me to be your Governor.

I want to be your voice.  I need you to be my legs. I am asking each of you to sign my petition. I am asking each of you to give time to the petition drive, to circulate petitions on my behalf, and to help out with the campaign in any way you can. I am asking each of you to donate financially to my campaign.

Together, we can make Virginia a beacon for the nation once again, as Virginia has been throughout American history.

Together, we can make Virginia a leader in protecting our environment, creating jobs, and protecting our children.

Thank you so much.

Happy New Year!

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