Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Need for Expanded Medicaid

As Governor, I will accept and implement the expanded Medicaid program in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  

The expanded Medicaid program will increase the quality of healthcare for many Virginians.  Medicaid is used to ensure that the poorest among us have some access to medical care.  The elderly and the disabled are the most frequent users of Medicaid.  Moreover, 70% of all our elderly in nursing homes ultimately end up relying on Medicaid once their Medicare benefits run out.  An acceptance of the expanded Medicaid program would ensure that the elderly in our nursing homes in the Commonwealth would not face the real possibility of being turned out into the streets, and that the severely disabled have their needs met.  For example, it is far cheaper to keep and care for the severely disabled within their homes, if possible, than to have the younger disabled population be forced into nursing homes. 

The Supreme Court held that while the expanded Medicaid option could not be forced upon the States, the States could voluntarily accept the expanded program.  There is no reasonable basis for the rejection of the expanded Medicaid option.   My Republican opponent has made clear that he opposes the expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act that the Supreme Court recently found to be constitutional.  

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